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Transactions on
Data Privacy
Foundations and Technologies


Articles in Press

Accepted articles here

Latest Issues

Year 2024

Volume 17 Issue 2
Volume 17 Issue 1

Year 2023

Volume 16 Issue 3
Volume 16 Issue 2
Volume 16 Issue 1

Year 2022

Volume 15 Issue 3
Volume 15 Issue 2
Volume 15 Issue 1

Year 2021

Volume 14 Issue 3
Volume 14 Issue 2
Volume 14 Issue 1

Year 2020

Volume 13 Issue 3
Volume 13 Issue 2
Volume 13 Issue 1

Year 2019

Volume 12 Issue 3
Volume 12 Issue 2
Volume 12 Issue 1

Year 2018

Volume 11 Issue 3
Volume 11 Issue 2
Volume 11 Issue 1

Year 2017

Volume 10 Issue 3
Volume 10 Issue 2
Volume 10 Issue 1

Year 2016

Volume 9 Issue 3
Volume 9 Issue 2
Volume 9 Issue 1

Year 2015

Volume 8 Issue 3
Volume 8 Issue 2
Volume 8 Issue 1

Year 2014

Volume 7 Issue 3
Volume 7 Issue 2
Volume 7 Issue 1

Year 2013

Volume 6 Issue 3
Volume 6 Issue 2
Volume 6 Issue 1

Year 2012

Volume 5 Issue 3
Volume 5 Issue 2
Volume 5 Issue 1

Year 2011

Volume 4 Issue 3
Volume 4 Issue 2
Volume 4 Issue 1

Year 2010

Volume 3 Issue 3
Volume 3 Issue 2
Volume 3 Issue 1

Year 2009

Volume 2 Issue 3
Volume 2 Issue 2
Volume 2 Issue 1

Year 2008

Volume 1 Issue 3
Volume 1 Issue 2
Volume 1 Issue 1

Instructions for Authors

Manuscripts should be unpublished and not be under consideration for publication elsewhere.

Only electronic submission is allowed. Please send manuscripts (PDF files only) to tdp@tdp.cat (use "SUBMISSION to TDP" in the e-mail subject). Received files are acknowledged (in about a week at the latest).

After acceptance, sources files will be required.

No publication fees are required for publication.

For submission and publication, latex files are strongly preferred.

Very important notice: This is an open access journal with no publishing costs. To make this possible the editorial office is minimal, and if the paper is accepted, we expect to apply only some minor changes (e.g. pagination) to the final file. So, please adhere completely to the style of the journal. Please, take special care on

  • avoiding any redefinition of the margins of the text,

  • using a single type of file for figures in latex (if possible, EPS),

  • using consistent capitalization in titles,

  • using uniform style in references.

Style files in Latex

The tdp.cls (new version 2.0 from 2013/12/31) class for latex documents can be found here: tdp.cls

An example of article myPaper.tex for preparing a paper for TDP can be found here: myPaper.tex

Word Template

The file TDP.wordTemplate.doc can be found here: TDP.wordTemplate.doc

Publication Agreement

The following publication agreement shall be signed by the authors after acceptance and before publication: publicationAgreement.v03.doc (word file), publicationAgreement.v03.pdf (pdf file)

Note that the copyright is kept by the authors.

Review Process

We use a single-blind peer review process. That is, the identity of the reviewers is kept anonymous, but authors names are in the paper.

We try to answer the authors within three/four months after submission. Nevertheless, the review process can naturally take less or more time as it depends on reviewer's availability. It usually takes longer in the summer period (summer in Europe) . From 2016, papers are published with information on submission, reception of revised version, and acceptance dates.

For enquiries about your paper use: tdp@tdp.cat (include SUBMISSION TDP and reference number in subject).

NOTE: We cannot answer all queries related to possible publication of a paper from an abstract due to many of such requests. In general, we only review full papers.

Review Form

The review form to be used by the referees can be found here: TDP.review.form.txt (ascii text)

We are very grateful to all our reviewers without them the journal would not be possible. If you want to help us with reviews, please send us an email with e.g. a link to your DBLP page and a short list of interests. Please, use the word TDP in the heading of your message. Thank you!!

Publication Costs

This is an open access journal with no publishing costs. All papers follow the same review procedure.

Special issues

As the number of issues per year is small, and we prefere to publish regular papers, we do not accept them in a regular basis but only occasionally. We may accept to publish an extended version of a selected conference/workshop paper (selected by workshop organizers) in some circumstances. If you are interested in organizing a special issue or invite one of the papers in your workshop to TDP, contact tdp@tdp.cat.

Privacy policy

Cookies. TDP's web site does not use cookies. TDP does not have and does not keep any information on IP addresses nor on browsers (e.g., device fingerprinting).

Information we collect about you. We keep email correspondence related to submissions and reviews.

Data sharing. Only information about published papers (at most the same information in our web) is shared to third-parties for indexing purposes (e.g., DBLP). Authors are required to give consent through the publication agreement for this distribution.

Third-party Links. TDP's web site include links to third-party web sites. We are not responsible for these web sites, and we are not responsible for their privacy statements.

Rights. To exercise your rights to access, rectify, suppress e-mail tdp@tdp.cat.

Follow us


ISSN: 1888-5063; ISSN (Digital): 2013-1631; D.L.:B-11873-2008; Web Site: http://www.tdp.cat/
Contact: Transactions on Data Privacy; Vicenç Torra; Umeå University; 90187 Umeå (Sweden); e-mail:tdp@tdp.cat
Note: TDP's web site does not use cookies. TDP does not keep information neither on IP addresses nor browsers. For the privacy policy access here.


Vicenç Torra, Last modified: 12 : 41 August 30 2019.